Sunday, November 30, 2008
Another candle on the cake
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The pursuit of love
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The forbidden fruit
"I almost crossed the line," Sarene recalled. "Our urban world is full of temptations."
The dull and predictable rut in many couples' lives often wears them down. Dangerously so.
"I occassionally find myself envying, and even resenting, young couples I saw in evenings of frivolity and heaven knows what else," Chris confessed.
As a friend recounted, it started so deliciously different, so fresh and exhilarating as dinner with good company. Just to talk. And then one thing led to another, and the particulars are private.
When I made the promise 12 years previously to love, honour and cherish, I had never dreamed that marriage, even passion, could become old hat. But it can, and it does. It is a delicate plant, and without constant attention it begins to wither under the heat of everyday life.
Children are gifts from heaven
Our Christmas decorating began modestly last Sunday with the setting up of our Christmas tree. We have enough Christmas lights to illuminate an airport runway. With the enthusiastic help of my boy, I began hanging several miles (I am exaggerating of course) of lights.
While doing it, I thought of my childhood Christmases. Many parents I know, speak about the "good old days" when it was easier to raise children. Personally, I think parental concerns of 8 BC. are the same concerns parents are expressing in 2008. We all want our kids to grow up safe and happy, and we wish the task were easier than it is today.
Kids, they can be funny, endearing and lovable - and truly feel like a gift.
They can be exhausting, maddening and irritating - but they are still a gift.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
New age fathers
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
PMP - a time to communicate
Monday, November 24, 2008
Achieving outstanding results
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Live everyday as if it is my last
If you knew for certain that you had a terminal illness - if you had little time left to live - you would waste precious little of it.
Actually we do have a terminal illness: it's called birth. We don't have life eternally. No one does!
So I always try be happy, without reason. I feel the sense of urgency.
If a blind man realises that he can see, has the world changed?

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Action me
I do not fear gossips, opinion or the idle chatter of monkeys. All are the same to me.
For too long, fear has outweighed my desire to make things better in my life. Never again!
I am a person of action. I am energetic. I move quickly. As a leader, I hope to inspire others with my activity and encourage them to greatness.
It is true: an army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Don't carry baggages in life
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Getting along
Our task in life is not necessarily to get everyone to like us.
After a career in sales spanning over 20 years, I fully understand that people feel comfortable with you if they feel you are a bit like them - if you have things in common.
As a trainer and public speaker, I know the same rules apply when talking to one person as when talking to a roomful.
Find things in common. Care. Be human. That has helped me chat quite easily with almost everyone.
Seated from left: Lorraine, Neil, Helen, Alicia

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Customers are not always right...but they are king!
Team work gone wrong
"Team work dictates success," Cheong preached in the Ngee Ann Polytechnic seminar I attended this morning. He gave the analogy of how a split second breakdown in communication and coordination cause Ferrari the F1 race in Singapore in September.
That further confirms what I strongly felt and believed all this while: team building is critical.
Massa, Ferrari F1 Driver, Accident at Pit Stop in Singapore - The best bloopers are here
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Learning negotiation through games
A significant portion of the course is conducted through games.
Some of the game are quick, fun energizers that raise participants' awareness of sales issues. Others are full-scale activities that teach a skill and offer participants the opportunity to practice the skill in an informal, non-threatening environment.
The games not only motivate the salespeople to do their jobs better; they also bring new meaning and motivation to their job. In turn, their success has helped their organisations to prosper.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Making team building fun
I had 6 years experience of speaking and training extensively in Malaysia and Singapore.
I discovered that people generally have very short attention spans; they respond better when training courses have life, variety and surprises!
The team building sessions I facilitate include a wide variety of activities, exercises that draw out feelings and emotions and life the spirit of the participants.
I have been told that my sessions have help transform a group of loosely connected employees into a dynamic and productive team - a process that seldom occur naturally.

Facilitating for Sime Darby Engineering
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What parents want
Successful kids
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Single parenthood
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Childhood memories
These childhood memories of mine were't alway momentous happenings; they might even sound rather mundane to the outside world.
As a parent now, I have learned from these previous examples. They have inspired me to take time to enjoy my kid, to discover and put into practice simple rituals and traditions that will give him the message : you are a source of delight to your parents. You are fun to be with, interesting and lovable.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
MAS or MAD? Monetary Authority of Dad
Monday, November 10, 2008
Make time
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Childhood revisited
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Parenthood - a calling
Friday, November 7, 2008
Love is close enough to touch and far enough to grow
All of us hunger a love that will stay intimate and secure, yet also encourage our individual fulfillment.
But the message often comes down to: "Be what I want you to be or I won't love you. Give up yourself."
There is always a difference in what two people want, need or think. You want to relax and your partner wants to go shopping. You think it's ok to yell and shout and spank your child and your partner is disgusted at the very idea.
I can't feel deeply loved unless I am approved of and respected for being who I really am. Trust that goes for you too.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
The more you ruv someone
"The more you ruv someone, the more he make you cry."
The more someone matters to you, the more you will mind when things between you go wrong.
That is why, I think, many couple break up; some even after many years of marriage. Others cling together forever when clearly there is no love; when struggles and problems have curdled their love, turning it to bitterness and dislike.
These are the hallmarks of unresolved problems - disruptive and damaging. But, working through problems gives the relationship strength.
My personal view on this is: love that has never been tested is more fragile.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Small changes can make a BIG difference
Take it from me sister: the first thing to realise is that you're not the only one.
We have all been there before. Sometimes, the arguments erupt quickly but then die away. Other times, they build slowly, lead to a weekend's solid arguing and then leave us traumatised for days.
It could be issues of money, kids, in-laws, friends - but when these come up, it's like World War III has broken out.
But whatever the pattern or issue, one thing will be permanent: the pain.
Some folks may have reached the point where they think "enough is enough." Actually that's good. It means something's going to change.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What goes around, must come around
One things is certain though, it is that men put more effort into romancing a woman during the early stages of courtship. After a few years - or maybe even a few months - romance goes into hibernation, making appearances on anniversaries or other special occassions.
Must stability bring an end to excitement? Is there a key to keeping a partner interested? Is it possible to renew the exhilaration of the early relationship?
Based upon recent survey results of women from their 20s to their 70s, when a man becomes more romantic, his partner becomes more receptive to fulfilling his needs.
Haven't I said so before? You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Behind the success of every man...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A little more communication, a little less bickering
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Family -source of comfort and pain?
This is one of the ironies of family: Family members are our greatest source of comfort and at times, greatest source of pain. We look to our family as a haven in a hostile world, yet the very people are also our harshest critics.
At times, we wonder why our parents, children, siblings, spouses are so critical of us. At other times, we also feel frustrated because comments we make in the spirit of caring are taken as criticizing.
Each of us lives our own life, and no one - not even the people we live with or the person we are closest to - knows what the world looks like from our point of view.
This thought I hold tightly: given the enormous promise of love, understanding and listening that family holds, it's worth the struggle.

back row from left: Albert, Bernie, Hon, Ben, Joyce
front row: Barb, Gramps, Fabian, Sam